Yesterday evening my dog became terribly sick. She was breathing heavily, her eyes were sunken and she was not able to move. She had been experiencing some leg pain in the last week and the veternary doctor had given some shots to help with recovery. However instead of recovering she became even more sick. From evening 7 p.m i observed the slow deterioration in her condition. By 10p.m she looked no better.
My dog is a german spitz and will be turning 7 in december. Interestingly she came to us from one of Swamiji's close relatives home to help my grandmother recover from the loss of my grandfather in 2003. She had always been healthy and is an extremely cheerful, fun loving individual. Although a dog, she behaves like a human and is an integral part of my family. She is extremely affectionate and has carved a place for herself in all my family members' hearts. She understands every word we speak.Normally she would climb up the flight of steps in the night by 10 p.m and stay with us through the night. She never skipped this routine ever. However, yesterday she could not even move. I managed to touch her body to check if she was okay. She howled in pain when my hand passed over her stomach. She had been quietly absorbing the pain until i made it worse. I was shocked to hear her. She was unable to turn her head and look at me. She lay on the floor with her head down and gritting her teeth to bear the pain with courage. I became extremely worried. I informed my parents and grandmother who were upstairs. At first they did not believe me, but on repeating my description of my dog's condition they joined me downstairs. We all sat around Sweety and i was in tears. My father began chanting the Vishnu Sahasranama recommended by Swamiji and Sai Baba. My mother joined him and so did i. We all prayed individually to Swamiji and Baba to help our dog recover. We finished the first round of Sahasranama and launched the second round. My father and grandmother brought Baba's udhi and applied it on Sweety's forehead. As we completed the second round of chanting, Sweety suddenly looked up. From a position of pain, she suddenly stretched herself straight. This was a huge change since earlier she had not moved at all.I had mentally dropped Sweety in Swamiji and Baba's laps asking them to take complete responsibility for her health. Everyone left the room but i continued to stay with my dog as she has never been alone. I brought a book to read and sat by her side. After fifteen minutes, she woke up and ate some biscuits. After another fifteen minutes or so, she managed to get up. She asked me to let her out into the front yard. She walked around calmly and returned inside after some time. It was unbelievable. A dog that did not even lift its head, 45 minutes ago had now managed to get up and walk around. She climbed up the flight of steps with difficulty but i was amazed to see she had suddenly gained a lot of strength and energy. She went to my father's room since she is extremely fond of him. I was relieved. By 12:30 p.m i decided to sleep since the worst was over. The recovery of Sweety within such a short span of time following the chanting of Vishnu Sahasranama was remarkable. My mother pointed out that this mantra works both ways- in alleviating the suffering of the dog in pain and simultaneously releasing us from our worry by calming us down. Indeed Sweety was saved by Swamiji and Baba and the powerful mantra- Vishnu Sahasranama.