Monday, February 25, 2008

A Bond Spanning Janmas

In Hindu Philosophy we often refer to relationships spanning seven janmas or births. Sai Baba also believed in reincarnation. He particularly lay great emphasis on the concept of ' Rinanubandha'. He stated that people are drawn together due to their past karmic debts. This is illustrated through the famous story of the frog and snake narrated by Baba. The two creatures were enemies in past births. Although born as humans the failure to resolve disputes brought them together in the next birth also as sworn enemies. When the snake is about to consume the frog Baba intervenes and reminds the snake of its past birth and its original identity. He beseeches the two creatures to give up animosity and escape the cycle of birth and death.

Swamiji and his devotees too must have come together through 'Rinanubandha'. The experience of several devotees is proof enough. For further experiences please consult Apostle of Love: Saint Saipadananda written by Shri Rangaswami Parthasarathy ( in English and Tamil) available with Sri Sai Spiritual Centre, Bangalore, India.

I never had the opportunity to interact with Swamiji. Yet for as long as I could remember Swamiji was the name I would call out when in need. I was indeed blessed to be born in a Sai family where all members were closely linked with Swamiji. I found it amazing that Swamiji had won my heart even without meeting him. But that isnt surprising actually, is it? Is god to be seen to be believed? is born in the depths of the soul. Who knows the secrets of the soul? Neither you nor me. But Swamiji most certainly knows, because he is a reflection of god. All that is in god is in Swamiji.

From different experiences time and again it is absolutely clear that Swamiji lives on. He is available anytime to anyone who seeks his guidance. The deep love his devotees feel can only be inspired by him. He enters people’s heart to make it his own. Swamiji treated his devotees the way they saw him. Mrs. Jaswant Contractor saw him as a father and indeed he treated her like one. In Mrs. Rajammal Parthasarathy's puja room he performed the miracle of lighting lamps with water as did Sai Baba because she believed he was the same as Sai.

How can words ever suffice to describe the greatness of such a Guru? A priceless gem even as Sai was. Lucky are the people who could associate with him.

Swamiji also appeared in several dreams one after the other with clear instructions and guidance to many. My grandmother has experienced this on several occassions. She is a staunch devotee of Swamiji. She would spend one hour in puja everyday. She would narrate tales of Swamji’s yogic glance showering blessings. This was hard for me to imagine.

My growing years where flooded with tales of Swamiji and his infinite compassion for suffering humanity. These tales had to be believed as many of my own kith and kin had escaped fatal illness due to Swamiji's grace. My grandfather too narrated the extraordinary circumstances that wrought his transformation from an atheist to a believer in Hinduism. He believed that Swamiji effected this change. My maternal grandfather also had very close association with Swamiji . Infact he was the person who introduced this holy saint to my paternal grandparents.

Speaking to family members revealed that Swamiji was a simple man, unassuming yet invaluable as a pole to a man struggling in a quicksand. Time and again devotees spoke of the glowing eyes filled with powerful light that made it impossible to look at for long. Swamiji had all yogic powers in him but rarely flaunted.He was able to sense even the stray thoughts of his devotees. People's minds were transparent to Swamiji.

Swamiji seemed to live on in his devotees hearts. Their nostalgic descriptions enabled me to reconstruct his personality. Swamiji also lived on through the articles he used. They are treasured by his devotees like my grandmother. The green chair, the small table he had meals from are carefully preserved in our home. I was surprised that a person could generate such reverence from another even after he was no longer in flesh.

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