Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Sai saves my dog yet again

I am very attached to my dog, Sweety. I believe she is a form of the Lord Krishna, since she is black like him, lovable, loving, and almost perfect in every way just like Krishna. We share such a good understanding of each other, that i would lower my head to meet hers and she would nudge her forehead against mine, giving me a high-five. I have stepped on her feet, which aches due to arthritis so many times, although accidentally, yet she has not retaliated even once. Instead she has always born the pain patiently and then would also  assure me that she wont bite me.  In one word, she is my best friend, -highly intelligent, understands every word i speak and in turn she can communicate her thoughts to me without words.

So my Sweety fell sick so badly this time. It started with a pizza. Sweety loves pizza so much, that if i made some at home, she would wait patiently at the kitchen until it came out piping hot. Then she would gobble the entire pizza at one go. This time i got her a store bought pizza and she fell ill at once. I did not realize the magnitude of the situation, until my grandma called me on the phone and remonstrated me for giving the pizza to the dog. Sweety had stopped moving, was not able to consume any food and could not even get up. My mother asked me to come and see her one last time, since they felt she wont recover this time.

I was swallowed by guilt since i had given her the pizza. She is like a child who does not know what is good for her, i realized. I should not have bought the pizza. She was so healthy when i met her last.I could not believe that she was in her last days. I turned to Baba for help. He alone could help bring my dog back to life.I started to read the Sai Satcharitra. A saptaham or seven day reading would revive her. I visited the local temple in Punjagutta, Hyderabad and began the parayan. Even as i started to read, a child gave me some sweets. I felt reassured that Sweety would be saved. Yet, everytime i called home, i did not get positive reports. I then started to pray visualizing Sweety. I gave Baba some water and prayed that Sweety should begin drinking water at least. That evening, my mother called to say that Sweety had suddenly drank one whole cup of water. I felt that Baba was listening to my prayers. Next i gave Baba some food and prayed that Sweety should start eating. Again, i was told that Sweety had begun eating food. Yet, my mother told me that the dog was not her usual self. I resisted visiting her in Chennai since i believed that until Baba restored her i would not visit her. In fact i wished to visit Shirdi and pray to Baba even harder than visit Chennai.

But god wills differently. My husband surprised me with a ticket to Chennai for the following weekend. I resisted going but finally felt that maybe the Lord willed that i should go. When i saw Sweety i fully realized the bad condition she was in. She was not even able to get up. Even if she did, her whole body collapsed down within minutes. Her head was shaking badly. What could i say! Despite the immense trouble she experienced she somehow walked towards me and fell into my arms. I lifted her and kissed her and cried to the huge Sai Baba picture in front of me. I appealed to Baba to save the child and begged him for recovery of the dog, who had been such a huge source of love, affection and happiness for me for so many years. I decided immediately to initiate the pradakshinams. In my experience any problem can be solved through doing 108 pradakshinams of Sai Baba. I have done this every time i was faced with huge problems. I went to the temple in Mylapore and started the pradakshinams. By Baba's grace, i completed it in no time. The next morning i sat in the hall and Sweety came to me on her own. For the first time, she lifted her head and looked at me . She stood up and sat. I could not believe my eyes. She also connected with my eyes. It was unbelievable. Sai had made the immobile girl, mobile once again. He had restored a large part of her energy. I continued to keep praying for her over the next two days. I left Chennai and returned to my home city. My parents called to say that she had climbed the stairs the same evening i left, had resumed eating and had shown a huge recovery since my visit. I felt better, now that i had begged Baba for forgiveness for feeding my dog stale food, unknowingly.

All life is one, and physical suffering is the same! We make a lot of noise while animals suffer silently! The Lord cares as much about animals as he does about us. He values all life equally. I wont feed my dog Pizza, even if she rolls on the ground for it or licks my hands or makes sounds that tells me she wants it.

Praise be unto you, Sainath! Sainath Maharaj ki Jai! Sainath Maharaj ki Jai! Pujya Sadguru Narasimha Swamiji Maharaj Ki Jai! Saipadananda Radhakrishna Swamiji Maharaj ki Jai!


Rangaswamy Ram Mohan said...
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Rangaswamy Ram Mohan said...

She was a goner then. The breeze of life was blown on her by your prayers to the Maharaj! Inspiring article! Keep up the service!